Wednesday 29 July 2015

This or That Tag

Hey guys..... So today I'm going the This Or That Tag enjoyyy..

1. Pancakes or Waffles? Pancakess
2. Spring or Fall? Spring 
3. Top or Bottom Bunk? Top Bunk 
4. Sandals or Flip Flops? Sandals 
5. Original or Curly Fries? Curly Fried
6. Skiing or Snowboarding? Skiiing 
7. Cats or Dogs? Both 
8. Boxers or Briefs? Briefs 
9. Scrambled or Sunny Side Up Eggs? Scrambled Eggs 
10. Ketchup or Mustard? Neither;;lll
11. Glasses or Contacts? Glasses
12. Showers or Baths? Both 
13. Netflix or Hulu? Netflix
14. Tetris or Pac-man Both
15. Crushed or Cubed Ice? Crushed Ice
16. Chicken or Beef? Chicken 
17. Sweet or Unsweet Tea? I don't like Tea
18. Banana Split or Hot Fudge Sundae? Banana Split
19. Marvel or DC? Marvel 
20. Pandora or Spotify? Spotify
21. Xbox or Play Station? Xbox
22. iPhone or Android? Android 
23. Pizza or Burgers? Burgers
24. Ulta or Sephora? Neither
25. City or Country? Country 
26. Theme Park or Water Park? Depends really
27. Day or Night? Night
28. Butter Toast or Toast w/ Jam? I don't like toast 
29. Deodorant Stick or Spray? Spray 
30. Movies or TV Shows? Both
31. Waxing or Saving? Saving
32. "Care-i-bee-an" or "Cuh-rib-bee-an" (Caribbean pronunciation) Cuh-rib-bee-an
33. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Chips Ahoy
34. Ritz or Salteens? Ritz
35. Color or Black & White? Depends on the picture.
36. Heels or Flats? Heels
37. Ice-cream or Frozen Custard? Ice Cream
38. House or Caesar Salad? House
39. Sleep w/ Fan On or Off? Sleep with fan off
40. Grease or Dirty Dancing? Grease 
41. In-Store or Online Shopping? In store
42. Curling Iron or Wand? Wand
43. Olive Garden Soup or Salad? Salad 
44. Cookie Cake or Ice-Cream Cake? Ice Cream Cake
45. House Hunters or House Hunters International? House Hunters
46. On Men; Facial Hair or Clean Shaven? Either 
47. Red Roses or Assorted Bouquet? Neither
48. Hay Day or Farmville? Farmville
49. Snickers or Twix? Snickers
50. Rolls or Biscuits? Biscuits
51. Lipstick or Lipgloss? Lipstick
52. Soft or Firm Mattress? Soft
53. Get Your Teeth Cleaned At The Dentist or Get A Shot At The Doctors? Get A Shot At The Doctors
54. Purses or Shoes? shows
55. Tile or Hardwood? Tile
56. Cheetos or Doritos? Doritos
57. Football or Basketball? Basketball 
58. Boneless or Traditional Wings? Boneless
59. Horror or Comedy Movies? Horror
60. Eggrolls or Potstickers (Goyzas)? Neither
61. Crossword Puzzle or Word Find? Word Find
62. Milk or OJ? Milk 
63. Glazed or Powdered Donuts? Powdered Donuts
64. Be Able To Fly or Breathe Under Water? Be Able To Fly
65. Sweet or Salty? Salty 
66. Tummy or Back Sleeper? Depends
67. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoors
68. Dominos or Pizza Hut? Dominos 
69. Left Handed or Right Handed? Left Handed

~ChloeTheDuck :*

Sunday 26 July 2015

Things That Piss Me Off

Hey guys,
I'm awfully sorry i haven't updated this in ages, I've been but now i'm back, this weeks post is about what pisses  me off some of them are probably relatable and some of them probably not so lets begin.
1. People that make plans with you and then not turn up, this pisses me because not only have you got all excited to see this person they've just told you **** off, okay if they've messaged you saying they're busy and they can't meet up then yeah okay meet up maybe another time but don't go making plans and then don't turn up?
2. Okay, this one it basically say if you're in a relationship and you found out your partners cheated on you, like why cheat that person will be probably scarred for the rest of their life because of you? Like seriously if you don't want to be with that person at last have the decency to break up with that person.
3. People like are constantly loud like there's this person who was at my school, that would shout every time you speak to them like seriously I'm only here you don't need to shout.
4. People that judge by the way they look, like if you don't like that person or even know them why even judge them maybe what they wear makes them happy, every individual is different.
5. People that are homophobic like why does this even exist? how can people be afraid of people that are trans, pan-sexual homosexual. It actually pisses me off to max that people are judging people that are different like why??
6. When you can hear people chewing on their food, I know i'm not the only one who gets pissed off about it's really fucking annoying i don't exactly know why it annoys me it just does like please can you at least close your mouth it's not rocket science, it's just simple manners.
That's all i can think of right now, but they're probably a load more I've forgotten about.
~ChloeTheDuck :*

Friday 24 July 2015


Okay,                                                 download (3)
I’m sorry if this turns out to be a rant, but i’m sorry sick and tired or people hating on people who have a mental illness such as depression and people self harming like seriously, don’t you think they’re already having a rough time as it, let alone you going and hating on them, it fucking frustrates me yeah i have been depressed quite a lot myself and yeah i have self harmed i told my best mate about it and she just took the piss out of it, I’ve had counselling it didn’t help, so i guess i just went through it by myself. People who have a mental illness, i am so so so proud of you, I know things may be hard but good days are coming trust.
That’s it for today!
Sorry if this turned out bad!
ChloeTheDuck :* x


As you probably canwebcam-toy-photo7 already tell my name is Chloe, I am 16 years old  and I’m from England (wayhey!!.) Yes i was being sarcastic everyone irl can you tell you how sarcastic i am literately every sentence has a little bit of sarcasm(i guess that’s what you get when you pretty much spend your whole life around the internet!)
So anyway i thought i’d just write a little bio for the first blog type thing whateva you want to call it!
I’m sightly addicted to Youtube, basically when i say i’m addicted i will watch  every old video of Danisnotonfire or AmazingPhil (sometimes both of them okay, don’t judge me!) Yeah, i’ve also got into liking Emma Blackery’s videos and Luke Cutforth, because there make me laugh every video not gonna lie.
I suppose you want to know my personality, well i’m a shy and very self conscious person if someone looks at me irl i will freak out and panic (i hope i’m not the only one who has this problem.) but overall I am a funny person to talk to.
That’s pretty much it!!
Thank you :*
ChloeTheDuck x